Support VGS and Our Mission
Donations directly to VGS help support our operational costs in bringing members outstanding conferences, webinars, genealogical resources through our website, the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, and The Virginia Genealogical Society Newsletter.
VGS-Supported Funds
The Virginia Genealogical Society promotes the continued preservation of historical records important to genealogical research and scholarship. The Virginia Records Fund and Malcolm H. Stern-National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Fund receive ongoing support through the contributions of VGS members.
Virginia Records Fund
The purpose of the Virginia Records Fund is to promote the physical preservation of and the dissemination of the intellectual content of the historical records of the Commonwealth of Virginia. This may be accomplished by funding the conservation of records or the purchase of publications with Virginia record content for placement in major Virginia research repositories.
Contribute to the Virginia Records Fund
Malcolm H. Stern–NARA Gift Fund

The Malcolm H. Stern-NARA Gift Fund (Stern-NARA Fund) finances preservation and imaging of valuable research materials now preserved in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, D.C. These materials consist of microfilm and digitized images of important genealogical records and indexes. These materials are produced without government funding and then distributed to the 13 National Archives Regional Archives for use by researchers or placed online for access.
The National Genealogical Society (NGS) accepts donations to the Stern-NARA fund, and you may contribute through NGS using the link below.
All donations to the Stern-NARA Fund are restricted for the purposes of the Fund as described above. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.
Contribute to the Stern-NARA Gift Fund through NGS
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Create a Legacy – Make a Bequest
One of the ways that you as a genealogist can be sure that all your accumulated genealogical research will be shared with others is by making a bequest to a repository, such as a local historical and genealogical society or the Library of Virginia, where it will be available to other researchers in the future.
You may also choose to support the other mission objectives of VGS by planning today to leave a portion of your estate to the society. Since 1960, the Virginia Genealogical Society has dedicated its efforts and resources to promote and foster family history education, to research and publish genealogical information, and to share accumulated knowledge. By planning now to leave a gift for VGS, you help guarantee that our work continues for many years to come. The VGS board thanks you for considering creating a legacy to benefit VGS.
VGS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.