Effects of the French & Indian War (soft cover)


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SKU: ISBN: 978-1-888192-19-3-1 Category:


Focusing on a period when conflict drove many settlers out of the Valley of Virginia, the author’s stated purpose was to describe the social effects the French and Indian War had upon civilian life in the Virginia frontier counties. It is a rich resource for those who had ancestors on Virginia’s frontier during this period and helps to explain why some chose to abandon their homes there and flee back across the Blue Ridge or south in search of safety. The original dissertation was submitted by Mr. Young to Vanderbilt University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History, in June 1969. With the permission of the author’s widow, it was reformatted and indexed on behalf of the Virginia Genealogical Society by Wesley E. Pippenger. Maps and index added. xix + 251 pp., paper; (2018 reprint).

Effects of the French & Indian War (soft cover)
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