VGS expects the publication to be available in late spring or early summer of 2025.
Sign up to receive an email notification when A Research Guide to Virginia’s Historical Records by Barbara Vines Little, CG, FNGS, FUGA, FVGS, is available for purchase. The publication contains more than 500 pages and sells for $79.95. The VGS member price is $63.96.
This publication packs between its covers the information, with examples, that is normally presented in a two-week institute course.
Topics include local and state government records; vital statistics; record loss; the law (including sources); appeal court records and where to find them; geography and transportation and how both affected migration; ethnic and religious sources unique to Virginia; tax and probate records and the laws affecting them; land records from original patents and grants to deeds; and dower and other factors affecting inheritance.
Subjects include military records, ages, women’s rights (or lack thereof), apprenticeships, manuscript resources, and more! Both applicable laws and substitutes for missing records are discussed at length. Discover little-known records and records that current technology has made easily accessible as well as the background that allows the researcher to better understand the records and what they do and do not tell us.
If you are already subscribed to the VGS Membership List, you will automatically receive notice when the book is available for purchase.