I have contacted the two below, these were their responses. you might want to make note of it or take them off so people do not wait for a response like this and have to start over.
thanks so much
Frankie Liles – semi retired and only doing consultations
Victor Dunn – not taking on new projects
I am looking for a genealogist to do primary document research and possibly visit family cemeteries in Henrico and New Kent Counties, Virginia.
I am seeking the ancestry of Pleasant C. Pollard who died in Edmonson/Warren County, Kentucky in 1823. He is buried in an unmarked grave in a small family plot.
As best I can tell:
His wife was Agnes Hawkins Bacon (1790-1837).
They emigrated to Kentucky between 1810 and 1820, most like shortly before 1820.
There are no siblings of whom I am aware.
Their families lived in and around Henrico and New Kent Counties.
I believe I have exhausted all online sources available. So, I need someone who can search sources unavailable to me. And, I appreciate that many of the seventeenth century records for the two counties were lost.
If you, or someone you might recommend, is interested in pursuing this for me, please respond via my email, richardbarclay0@gmail.com.
I have contacted the two below, these were their responses. you might want to make note of it or take them off so people do not wait for a response like this and have to start over.
thanks so much
Frankie Liles – semi retired and only doing consultations
Victor Dunn – not taking on new projects
I am looking to hire a researcher to assist me with locating my 2nd-Great-
Grandparents in Auburn, VA.
I am looking for a genealogist to do primary document research and possibly visit family cemeteries in Henrico and New Kent Counties, Virginia.
I am seeking the ancestry of Pleasant C. Pollard who died in Edmonson/Warren County, Kentucky in 1823. He is buried in an unmarked grave in a small family plot.
As best I can tell:
His wife was Agnes Hawkins Bacon (1790-1837).
They emigrated to Kentucky between 1810 and 1820, most like shortly before 1820.
There are no siblings of whom I am aware.
Their families lived in and around Henrico and New Kent Counties.
I believe I have exhausted all online sources available. So, I need someone who can search sources unavailable to me. And, I appreciate that many of the seventeenth century records for the two counties were lost.
If you, or someone you might recommend, is interested in pursuing this for me, please respond via my email, richardbarclay0@gmail.com.
Richard Barclay