VGS December 2024 Newsletter Now Available

Featured Articles

Genealogy of a House, Farmville, Virginia by Sara Martin. Poplar Hill stayed in the same family for more than 100 years. The original Woodson wooden house was used as tenant housing after a brick structure was built around 1830 and has been lost to history. The grandest renovation transformed it into what is now known as the Dunnington Mansion.

Start a Genealogy Café by Birgitte Tessier. Do you miss getting together in person with other like-minded people to talk about genealogy? Are you Zoom’ed out and tired of virtual meetings because it’s a little hard to interact with other participants? Did your local genealogical society disband during the pandemic, or have you never had a genealogical society nearby? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you might consider starting a local Genealogy Café.

In addition to the feature articles, you’ll find upcoming events, the President’s message, book reviews by Barbara Vines Little, the “Glad You Asked That” column, and information on the Augusta County Genealogical Society book sale. 

Members: Log into the website and access the newsletter under the Publications menu on the VGS home page.